Yesterday I received an email from Dorchester County Economic Development, which is busy putting together a tourism intuitive with some other Eastern Shore counties called Eat, Drink and Buy Art. Natalie had put out a call for gifts to be included in two drawings: one for the kick-off to the campaign and the other for a grand prize that will include an overnight at an area luxury hotel. I offered a package that includes three of my recent works. The way I see it, the more I can get my work out there, the more people will see and hear about it.
Natalie said the program would be glad to accept my donation of the first two books in my Chesapeake Heritage series, and a copy of my volume of poetry called Runaway Hearts, which revives the unique characters I've learned about during my two decades on the Eastern Shore.
Runaway Heart was read on Radio for the Blind recently, and I owe many thanks to Don Banning for his efforts in getting this book read on the air.
Chesapeake Harvest and Chesapeake Legacy are stories set in colonial times. The first is the story of an indentured servant and the second chronicles the travels of a woman who is cast out of a settlement due to her Nanticoke heritage because Indians could no longer live in the community. I have done my best to breathe life in these times so that people can learn more about how difficult it was to settle on the Eastern Shore.
An added bonus is that the covers for the Chesapeake Heritage series were done by Eastern Shore Artist Dawn M. Tarr. Dawn's covers are unique and I think they show the strong, hopeful spirits of the women who pioneered these not always comfortable shores.
Chesapeake Destiny, soon to be released in print, takes place during the American Revolution and spotlights a culture that saw women as chattal. Chesapeake Vision, the fourth in the Heritage series, takes place during and after the Civil War when being blind made little difference when there were farms to run. I think you are going to like the women of Baron's Hope, the plantation that sets the scene for each of these historical novels.
So. My books are out there and it is going to rain. Keep on the sunny side anyway! Terry
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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