Today I would like to announce that the third book in my Chesapeake Heritage series is now available at Amazon.com, Kindle and lots of ebook vendors such as www.ebooksonthe.net, Mobipocket, Barnes and Noble and others around the map. I don't have copies yet, but I see the book is available at these other venues so if you like the series, I hope you treat yourself to this third volume.
Dawn M. Tarr, that wonderful Eastern Shore artist, has created the cover for this volume -- as well as the other three for the four-book series. If you explore earlier posts on this blog you will see the other covers - which are vivid illustrations of the heart of each story. This week she launched a Facebook flurry to tell the world about the books and a little bit about our friendship.
The day Dawn and I met, there were angels dancing in the air and we both knew we would be doing some amazing work together. To date, Dawn has done five book covers for me and I cannot express my gratitude enough for her ability to work straight out of the ether.
All I had to do in each case was to tell her my vision for the cover and a few hours later I would get a post with the new cover pinned to it. The other day she said she was amazed at how well the cover fit the book. I think we both paint - but in different ways: she with pigment, me with words.
Together the product is unique and memorable.
That said, keep on the sunny side! Terry
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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