I think one of the most difficult - and miracalous things about life is the roads that bring us home.
My journey started on a small dirt road in the Appalachain mountains of northern Pennsylvania, a place where the summers were endless and the winters so bitter I often suffered from frostbite, a condition my dad remedied by a brisk application of snow to the already chilled digits and toes.
My parents kicked me out of the nest the day after my high school graduation, and I know I should be grateful for the shove - even though I was still a kid and scared to death of what I might find in the world.
How did I do? I am still here. I followed some county roads and a few city streets - although I liked those shaded rural lanes much better than the fumes and rumbles of city blocks. I ambled along the roads that led to enlightnment, and did my best to bless the dead ends.
I live in town now, on a pleasant, quiet city street where services are close by. The critters play in my yard and the lawn needs to be mowed most of the time. I love it here and spend my days doing what I love best - writing.
Today, I think of country roads and I know the journey was especially designed for me. Think of that - and keep on the sunny side! Terry
PS: The incredible photo is by prize-winning Cambridge photographer Lisa Krentel.
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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