How can you say that selling is spiritual service?
Earlier we shared with you how Jim discovered the idea that selling is spiritual service. But that concept may seem foreign to you, even impossible. So what we've said bears repeating. Now we go more deeply into what we mean by Selling Is Spiritual Service.
This perspective on selling is based on the profound reality that we are all connected. We are all one interconnected web of consciousness. We all create together the experience of being alive, so we all need each other. That's a simple and profound fact of life.
As John Donne wrote in the seventeenth century, "No man is an island."
When someone has a problem they can't solve by themselves-and you have a solution in the form of a product or service-you have an ethical, even moral obligation to make your solution available to as many people as you can.
If you don't, you shortchange your own creative spirit as well as your business. You shortchange all the people who need what you provide. And you shortchange Spirit or God, or whatever it is you deem to be The Source of All.
This point of view is fundamental to your larger success as a soft sell marketer, and The Heart of Marketing is devoted to supporting you and the growth and expansion of your heart-based marketing.
So let's look at this more closely.
What Is Selling?
Selling is the process of converting someone from being a looker, a seeker, a searcher, a prospector into becoming a Customer.
It's the art and skill of helping your reader make the decision they know they need and want to make in order to solve the problem they're wrestling with. The selling process guides them to that decision for the benefit of both of you.
As a soft sell marketer, when you add the commitment to sell with respect and care, your priority becomes the well-being of the relationship between you and your buyer, which also includes the sale.
What Is Spiritual?
At the core, practical spirituality takes us to the fundamental connectedness that permeates and creates this world and the need we all have of one another. When you take in the emotional truth of our interdependence-and let it guide your business dealings-you begin to market and sell with consciousness and conscience.
Consciousness-with awareness of the co-creative life that joins us all together, the customer becomes not just someone who will buy, but a necessary partner in determining the best outcome for both you and your buyer.
Conscience-reflects the care and respect for ourselves and our customers as feeling-filled human beings, not just walking wallets.
Doing business with consciousness and conscience you advance the experience of being alive by recognizing and supporting the well-being of the whole-the whole of life on this planet through the whole transaction-that is, your awareness of both the seller and the buyer.
When you participate in a spiritually motivated sale you recognize the gifts you, the seller, bring to the marketplace as well as the need brought by your buyer. There is a unity of purpose and respect that is expressed through and manifested in a value-for-value exchange.
What Is Service?
Service is the assistance you offer as you put yourself forward to support and advance your prospective customer's buying experience. When in service, you contribute to the well-being of your prospective customer even if they never become a buyer.
However, when you come from service, you must avoid martyring yourself. To fully participate in the buyer/seller partnership you must make sure to serve your own self-expression, your own personal value, and your own economic well-being. Otherwise you negate the partnership and are thrust back into the every-man-for-himself mindset. It's essential that you respect and support both you and your customer.
When you take to heart that Selling Is Spiritual Service you are on your way to release from fear, shyness, embarrassment, guilt and any other internal millstone holding you back from marketing with passionate commitment. You are emboldened to use your marketing to educate your readers about what you know, what you've created for them, and you invite and encourage them to make the decision they already know they want to make.
You share your story, you outline the many benefits they can enjoy, and you provide testimonials from satisfied customers so that your readers know, truly know they are in the right place. Then when they buy, when they put money in your bank, their payment is a form of appreciation and gratitude.
That's the power of Selling As Spiritual Service.
The Heart of Marketing is a great resource for anyone looking for solid marketing strategies and tactics with a Soft Sell, heart-based approach to create real profit and long-term customer relationships. Order your own copy of The Heart of Marketing within the next 24 hours and receive over $8,400 in bonus gifts from experts around the globe. Go to http://www.theheartofmarketing.com
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