Hello Friends,
If you remember, I spent the afternoon yesterday with a few friends who gather each month to celebrate a member's birthday. This is a pretty loose-knit organization and has no ties to anything, except member to member. Anyone can bring a friend, anyone can be absent. No rules.
Yesterday one of the gals regaled us with tales of her adventures in Halloween costumery. She loves to dress up and to don the ego represented by the costume du jour. She is alternately Sammy the Plumber, Sissy Moon the folksinger, and Wonder Woman. This gal constructs her own costumes and really makes the rounds on Halloween, visiting friends, social agencies and local businesses without prejudice.
She even took Wonder Woman to Maui a couple of years ago where she won a prize in an enormous Oriental Mardi Gras celebration. The costume, entitled Wonder Woman: The Later Years, featured drooping ninnies encased in funnels and a super-sized Depends to prevent social embarassment. The folks loved it.
I wish I had the nerve to be Wonder Woman - at any phase in the bitch's life! You might think anyone can do it, but it just isn't so. It takes a very special person to carry such a strong personna into one's golden years. I couldn't do it.
So, if anyone out there has the nerve to be Wonder Woman (at any life moment) or any other superhero, please let me know! I want to see the photos. Stuff like that keeps me on the sunny side and often finds new life in one of my novels. Have a good one! Terry
PS: Look for my books at www.writewordsinc.com, www.ebooksonthe.net, Kindle, Amazon.com, Booksurge, Fictionwise, All Romance E-books and more. Happy reading!
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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