Hello Bloggers,
I worked for a medical adult day care center a few years back and one of my most successful activities for people with alzheimer's disease was to take them out to the porch and give them bottles of detergent so that they could blow bubbles. It was absolutely enchanting to watch their faces when the smiles emerged out of their foggy confusion.
Sometimes when I get stuck on a story I wish I had a magic wand to blow some of the fog out of my own brain. Fact is, I usually keep some of those little bottles of bubble stuff in the house and don't hesitate to go out on the porch to blow bubbles when I get stuck. Yes, it does draw some puzzled looks from my neighbors, but their opinion is their problem. They ought to try it.
Sometimes the simplest things can offer the solutions to the stickiest problems. If you look closely at a bubble you will see that it is composed of a rainbow wrapped around a wish. I have an idea that when the wish is freed, some of the block that held up my work disappears.
So, if you are having trouble finding the sunny side, why not try blowing a few bubbles? You will be glad you did. Terry
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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