Happy Friday Bloggers,
A month ago I was asked to create a submission to a fund-raiser at a new art gallery in Cambridge. The theme for the event was Visionary Valentine. How was I supposed to respond to that particular request? I am a writer, but I do a number of other arty things to keep sane and while away the hours I don't spend in front of the computer.
I'm old and on a fixed income, but I was raised in a situation where there just wasn't a lot of money for toys, so I started making my own. I make a mermaid doll that creates a lot of attention, so I thought my visionary valentine could be a doll. Heck, I have loads of materials available to make dolls, so it seemed like a good solution to my problem.
I got out some things: sparkly velvet, lace, and speciality yarns. I hand-sewed every stitch. The result was a doll I call The Queen of Tarts. This dandy little gal will be auctioned off to some lucky winner on Valentines's Day at Cambridge's Main Street Gallery. She is pretty unusual, so I hope she will bless the gallery with a good sale price.
I made the queen a couple of ladies in waiting, but they aren't nearly as tarty as the queen! Maybe they can go in the gift shop for sale to the tourists that are finding Cambridge more and more as fuel shortages demand day trips for travelers from the western side of the Chesapeake Bay. Cambridge is within spitting distance of Baltimore and Washington. It is also a deep water port. Visitors are likely and welcome.
That's it for today, just thought you might want to see what I do in my 'spare' time! Keep on the sunny side folks, Terry
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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