Happy Groundhog Day Bloggers,
The ancient Celts spread the belief that shadows cast in winter predicted more days of darkness and cold. The cute little groundhog was an accidental player in the drama that somehow got scooped up and made famous for the fun holiday we all know and love. They say he saw his shadow, so winter will be with us for a while.
I think the groundhog must have made a mistake. Just last Thursday I was out and saw an entire flock of robins on the courthouse lawn. Robins are sposed to be the authority on the arrival of spring. So, just which critter are we supposed to believe?
If you know, I hope you will blog me back and start a dialog. In the meantime, I have a book to edit and cookies to bake. Take care of yourselves and stay on the sunny side. The groundhog could be wrong after all. Terry
Hello, Glad to read your daily thoughts. So how are you, very good I think. Love Hallie.