Good Morning Bloggers,
Today I am reviving an important symbol from my youth when everyone knew what the peace sign meant and all of us kids were looking to make love instead of war.
Unfortunately, love brought us a new killer in AIDS and the wars never ended. I have an idea that there is just as much destructive energy as there is energy to build in a positive way. The oriental idea of yin and yang wasn't created by accident. Someone way back when noticed that there is a universal law that rules the universe. Our Buddhist friends call it the law of Cause and Effect, and Christians call it the Golden Rule.
I think this means that in order for something good to happen in our lives, we have to clear out the things that are not good for us. When I was a kid, I witnessed segregation and the terrible struggle that caused the sleepwalkers in this country to wake up and see the injustice in an old system that no longer worked. Yesterday the son of a black immigrant became president of the United States of America.
As I listened to Presiden tBarak Obama's inaguration address, I heard a call for responsibility and the tearing down of more old attitudes. My ancestors were Native American, so I have an idea of how the African Americans feel. We need a society where the individual is judged not by the color of his or her skin, but by what they can contribute to the good of the entire society. I heard President Obama mention various ethnicities, and those who have labored in the arts, professionals who may never have prospered in their lives - no matter how great their contributions to their society.
I think the greatest thing President Obama promised was hope. I would certainly like to think that things will be better a little further down the line. I would like to think there will be enough work for everyone and that even the artist and dreamer will be worthy of their hire.
So, Peace! friends. Keep on the sunny side, the world is changing, and the change is good! Terry
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"
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