Wow! I won!
This morning I opened my email only to find I had been awarded the Honest Scrap Award by Nikki Leigh. The rules say I have to pass the Award on by listing 10 brutally honest things about myself and then passing the award on to seven bloggers - all of whom will also be brutally honest about themselves. This sounds a bit dicey to me, but here goes:
1. I collect too much stuff, knicknacks, books, movies, people. I stop just shy of being a pack rat.
2. I don't like rutabagas.
3. I never liked to drive, and don't like to ride with reckless drivers.
4. I believe in a benevolent diety, but I don't care what you might call him/her.
5. I don't mind dirty work. Cleaning is good exercise. (Everything in moderation, though.)
6. I don't like squirrels. They have eaten or stolen everything I planted in the back yard for years.
7. I don't believe in buying on credit. If I can't pay for something, I don't need it.
8. I wonder where the healers are in medicine these days. It appears to me that if a doctor can't bring you back to the office again and again, he or she is not doing his or her job.
9. I believe that everyone is good until they show me otherwise. (Call me Pollyanna)
1o. I think we get what we put into life, and that sometimes we have to deal with some bad stuff from previous lives.
Dyan Garrishttp://blog.voiceoftheangels.com
Arline Chase http://www.writewordsinc.com
Donna Sundbladhttp://pymprompts.blogspot.com
Susan Wingatewww.susanwingate.blogspot.com
Joyce Anthonyhttp://joyceanthony.tripod.com/blog
CJ Scarlet http://cjscarlet.blogspot.com
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