Hey all,
Boy! Have I ever been busy. I went to visit a friend over the weekend and we spent some good times shopping, which is nice for me since I don't drive and shopping is always a treat.
So, Sue and I went downstate to a little town called Snow Hill where my friend Dawn Tarr had a gallery show at Adkin's Gallery just off the main drag. Everyone was so nice and Dawn was delighted to get a couple of the books she did covers for during the past year or so.
I was delighted because Jim Adkins agreed to handle my books and a couple of my character dolls - see the pic! I am going to have to make a few more dolls pretty soon. They are all hand sewn - not just with a machine, but with a needle and by hand. I paint the faces with water colors and sharpies and the like. Take a peek, maybe you will like them. If you do, let me know and keep on the sunny side. Terry
Terry L White -Author of the Chesapeake Heritage Series
"Travel Through Time With Terry"